Internet & Online Safety
The following websites provide a wide range of information and resources to help Parents and Carers keep their children safe whilst using the internet, smartphones and other new technologies.
Internet Matters: Online safety resources for parents.
Parent Zone : Clear advice about popluar apps and websites
Netaware: If you want to find out more about a particular social network that your child is using.
SAFE: Some facts and the law on internet issues.
Share Aware: A NSPCC site which provides straightforward, no-nonsense advice for parents of 8 to 12-year-old children.
Think U Know: Helpful advice for parents from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) about how to keep their children safe online and different types of concerns parents might have about their children's online activity and how best to deal with it. Think U know also provides different sections for children that cater to different age groups so parents can point their children to this.
Think U Know - reporting and incident
UK Safer Internet Centre: Advice about key e-safety topics like social networking, as well as how-to guide for setting up filters and parent settings.