Early Years

(Nursery & Reception)

There are many fantastic websites available for children to continue their learning at home.

Please follow the links below to help your child to develop their skills and knowledge further:

General/Mixed Subject Area Resources

https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk (Espresso - Login required - see password in pack sent home)


https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies (Such as Alphablocks and Numberblocks)


https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/primary/zd7p47h (A huge range of resources for every subject area)














https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtforKidsHub - Get creative


https://www.twinkl.co.uk/ Lots of activities available




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2YKtG656t8&feature=youtu.be Tongue Twister




Communication and Literacy Resources

https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people (An excellent website - ‘Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's communication skills. Explore our simple activities and play ideas and find out about their amazing early development.’

https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk (A wonderful website that recommends books for you to buy or borrow from the library. You can also see book extracts through the website).

https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (Phonics games for your children to play)

https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ (Free e-book library for children from 3 years old)

https://www.worldbookday.com/storytime-online/ (Watch a wonderful range of famous authors and stars reading children’s books and short stories for kids of all ages. Storytime Online makes storytelling possible at any time of the day—a brilliant way to keep children entertained and a fun way to help develop their language skills.)

https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/games (Lots of excellent English resources)

https://www.researchify.co.uk/audiobooks.html (Listen to a classic novel)

https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ (30 stories over 30 days from David Walliams)

https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/ (Log in required - sent home in home learning packs)

https://www.getepic.com/sign-in Reading activities (Please email staff with your email address to get an invite to log in. Remember to log in as a pupil and not a parent)

https://stories.audible.com/discovery Free access to quality texts from audible while the schools are close



The scheme we follow for phonics is Read Write Inc.

The Simply Phonics videos on YouTube are excellent in helping to reinforce the phonics in each phase at home. If you would like to learn more about each phase, CLICK HERE for the Letters and Sounds document from the Government. Within this booklet you will find many games ideas that you can use at home as well. Children should only be reading home -school reading books (issued from school) to match the phase that they are on so that they develop confidence in independent reading. Other books and stories can be enjoyed and read together at any level though.

A general guide to phases and ages would be:

Nursery - Phase 1 and starting on Phase 2.

Reception - Phase 2, 3 and into phase 4

Year One - Recap Phase 4 and begin Phase 5

Year Two - Phase 6

There are a range of resources that complement our teaching at school. Below are some to get you started:

https://youtu.be/gzUz41TjAmg - Video for Nursery children working at Phase 1 - Simply Phonics sounds game

https://youtu.be/iuYnkMLJ-O4 - Video for Nursery children working at Phase 1 - Simply Phonics listening game

https://youtu.be/PiDcUIYncCA - Video for Nursery children working at Phase 1 - Simply Phonics listening and attention game

https://youtu.be/T4fvEl8MIvs - Video for Nursery children working at Phase 1 - Simply Phonics Video (Letter Sounds)

https://youtu.be/yp9B5H8IyAE - Video for children in Nursery who are ready and for those in Reception working at Phase 2 - Simply Phonics Video - Letter S

https://youtu.be/8dsGcOf2y7k - Video for children in Reception working at Phase 2 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes (Sounds) s, a, t, p (Set 1)

https://youtu.be/k_2OsyRR7bk - Video for children in Reception working at Phase 2 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes (Sounds) i, n, m, d (Set 2)

https://youtu.be/JvihdnAHW6k - Video for children in Reception working at Phase 2 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes (Sounds) g, o, c, k (Set 3)

https://youtu.be/KGxIYoNw4l8 - Video for children in Reception working at Phase 2 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes ck, u, e, r (set 4)

https://youtu.be/q5h4k_BmRKQ - Video for children in Reception working at Phase 2 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes l, ll, ss (set 5)

https://youtu.be/9vBXvSo4WOs - Video for children in Reception working at Phase 2 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes h, b, ff (set 5)

https://youtu.be/HGgrov_ie2w - Video for children in Reception working at Phase 3 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes j, v, w, x (set 7)

https://youtu.be/vZd4sh6AUtc - Video for Reception children working at Phase 3 - Simply Phonics Video - Phonemes y, z, zz, qu (Set 7)

For games to reinforce children’s phonic knowledge: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (Phonics games for your children to play)


https://famly.co/blog/inspiration/10-creative-early-years-maths-activities/ (Creative maths ideas for all the family to try at home together)

https://nrich.maths.org/early-years-old (A fabulous maths website, which we regularly use in school to support our planning - many creative ideas for the development of early maths skills and knowledge)

https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/ EYFS Maths activities


Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Science/History/Geography/Technology)

https://www.firstdiscoverers.co.uk/early-years-science-activities-eyfs/ (Scientific activity ideas to try through play and exploration at home)

https://www.stem.org.uk/resources/community/resource/258613/early-yearsreception-science-homeworks (STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and the STEM website is a great resource for teachers and parents alike. Follow this link for ideas on STEM activities to create together at home).

https://www.stem.org.uk/teaching-science-through-stories (How to teach science concepts through well known stories, such as Jack and the Beanstalk)

https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/ (Log in required - sent home in home learning packs)

Physical Development

The Body Coach TV on YouTube - Joe Wicks is going to do a daily PE lesson for children between 9am and 10am Monday to Friday - a fabulous way to start the day for the whole family!


https://www.merseyforest.org.uk/things-to-do/children-woodland-play/ Ideas to try out in the Great Outdoors! Try Formby Woods - The National Trust is making their car parks free for the duration of this period.

Check out The National Trust’s guide to things you can do with a humble stick! https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lists/fun-things-to-do-with-a-humble-stick

*New resource* Check out https://family.gonoodle.com/activities/danger-force - a great and fun resource to encourage children to stay active during this time. The website is full of fun videos for children to have a go at!

Supermovers have numerous videos that will get your children active. The videos link to the curriculum so will keep the children active whilst still learning. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers

Part of the Wyvern Federation