Our Curriculum
The school has developed an outstanding curriculum that is exciting, engaging and meaningful to all pupils and is enhanced and enriched by a wide variety of broad and balanced learning activities.
Senior and subject leaders have worked collaboratively to ensure that teachers’ planning across the whole school year allows ample opportunity for our children to develop throughout the full National Curriculum.
Curriculum Vision & Statement
At Wyvil Primary School, we ensure that we meet the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum, whilst retaining our commitment to create an innovative, inspiring learning community in which learners are engaged through a range of stimulating, relevant and inspiring educational experiences, relevant to our school community and context, while igniting a life long passion for learning.
Wyvil Primary School has 5 core values, which are embedded within our school community and curriculum and are essential to the way we foster a learning community within our school. They form the basis of the way pupils form relationships with each other and the adults in school; they act as a reference for how to respond to challenging situations and they provide the guidance that pupils need in order to develop effective habits of successful learners through our curriculum.
The Wyvil Core Values are:
- Be respectful
- Be positive
- Take responsibility
- Try your best
- Work together
The Wyvil School Reflection provides examples of what these values mean in practice:
- Help us to be respectful to everyone in our Wyvil Family, to be kind, honest and helpful to everyone we meet
- Help us to be positive and to see the best in everyone, when things are challenging
- Help us to be resilient and to persevere
- Help us take responsibility for words and actions, to recognise and nurture all we are good at and learn from our mistakes
- Help us to try our best in everything we do and remind us that our efforts reflect on our school, family and on us as individuals
- Help us to work together as a team, to support each other and to recognise that together we can achieve great thing
At Wyvil Primary School, we also firmly believe our values underpin the fundamental British values, which are promoted in our SMSC and SRE, as well as throughout our wider curriculum:
- the rule of law: respect and obey the law
- mutual respect: respect the rights of others, including their right to their own opinions
- democracy: treat others with fairness
- look after yourself and your family
- look after the area in which you live and the environment
- individual liberty
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
CLICK HERE to view all subject Vision Statements
Curriculum Overviews - by year group
The school has developed an outstanding curriculum that is exciting, engaging and meaningful to all pupils and is enhanced and enriched by a wide variety of broad and balanced learning activities.
Senior and subject leaders have worked collaboratively to ensure that teachers’ planning across the whole school year allows ample opportunity for our children to develop throughout the full National Curriculum.
A summary of how each year group develops children's knowledge, skills and understanding throughout the full National Curriculum, is outlined below:
Early Years: Nursery Reception
Lower Key Stage 2: Year 3 Year 4
Upper Key Stage 2: Year 5 Year 6
Curriculum Content - by subject
In addition to the year group curriculum overviews seen above, a summary of how each subject area develops children's knowledge, skills and understanding throughout their time at our school is outlined below:
Core Subjects:
Foundation Subjects:
Art & DT Computing Geography & History
MFL (Portuguese) Music PE (Physical Education)
PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education)